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Touch display Lambda Touchtronic

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Boiler control & touch display

Hargassner Lambda Touchtronic

The Hargassner Lambda Touchtronic is characterised by an exceptionally above-average design and simple operation.

This software controls the entire heating system, from transport of the fuel and combustion to the heat circuits and hot water tanks. It is guided by weather conditions, so recognises changes in conditions as soon as they occur and seamlessly adjusts the boiler’s output accordingly. As a result, the boiler is always running in the optimum output range, enabling you to save both fuel and unnecessary costs.

It is a component in the following Hargassner boiler series:

Pellets Nano-PK Eco-PK
Wood log Neo-HV
Wood chip Eco-HK
Combi Neo-HV/

Lean back and relax – your heating system will do the rest.

Control of heat circuits

Control of heat circuits

The Lambda Touchtronic can control multiple heat circuits that are independent of each other. You can specify different settings in detail. For example, you can specify  the room temperature you would like on a particular heat circuit at a particular time of day.

Hargassner’s 3G day/night reduction mode makes it possible to set three outdoor temperature thresholds. One mode for “Heating during the day”, one for “Reduction  during the day” and one for “Reduction during the night”. As a result, the heating system only operates if necessary – this is convenient for energy saving. Thanks to the  clever residual heat use feature, the energy remaining in the boiler after it has been shut down is efficiently fed into the heat circuits.

Hot water tank

Hot water tank

It’s only necessary to set the desired hot water tank temperature and loading time. The control unit takes care of the rest. Hargassner guarantees hot water – 24 hours a day. Another advantage is the automatic HWT priority. This ensures that the room temperature does not cool down during hot water tank loading periods.

Your home therefore remains warm and cosy at all times!

PSP Accumulator or solar accumulator logic

Accumulator or solar accumulator logic

The accumulator logic optimises buffer loading and unloading. In this way, Hargassner achieves 100% utilisation of the accumulator. Furthermore, forced buffer charging can be set for peak load times – this enables increased power consumption for a certain period of time.

Solar accumulator logic: In order to be able to combine solar technology and automatic wood chip pellet heating technology, Hargassner has developed a practical option for the Lambda-Hatronic. The solar energy stored in the accumulator is used first, and only when required does the wood chip pellet system switch on, whereby the heat goes directly into the rooms and is not stored temporarily in the buffer.

External heat logic

External heat logic

If desired, an adjacent solid fuel boiler can also be integrated into the system. Switching between the pellets boiler and the “external” heat boiler is fully automatic. So you don’t have to switch anything, turn anything, regulate anything – the Lambda-Hatronic does that for you too.

Example of a day heating sequence with reduction logic

Fixed outdoor thresholds above which heating is required: Day from 16°C, night from – 5°C (22:00 – 6:00 h)

Heating period 1

06:00 – 09:00: Outside it is -7°C, well below the defined threshold of +16°C. The heating switches on.

Day reduction period

09:00 – 15:00: Outside, the temperature rises to -1°C, which is below the day reduction threshold of +8°C. The heating switches on in day reduction mode.

Heating period 2

15:00 – 22:00: The outside temperature rises to +1°C, which is considerably lower than the threshold of +16°C. The heating remains on.

Night reduction period

22:00 – 06:00: The temperature cools down to -2°C, which is above the night reduction threshold of -5°C. The heating switches off.

Hargassner North America

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